The quarterly statements reflect something more long term, but it’s important you remember they are novelty items and should be used accordingly. It’s also possible to get quarterly statements. You can get your statements in a range of choices from 1, 2, 3, or 6 months. All statements are printed on 100 gsm paper coming with many options. We do provide you with fake bank statements but it’s important that you’re the owner of the original statements and provide your legitimate identity details. All digital versions will be emailed to you the same day you order and printed copies will be delivered within 3 business days. All of our novelty bank statements come with a front and back page just like a real UK banking statement and the words “Sample” and “Specimen” are not included on the statement. If there are no templates you like then our design team can create a customised one for you. All bank statements from Replace Your Documents are on a bank statement template of your choice.